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Sponsored Post

Sponsored content takes a place on the Web

Internacional  -  30/04/2016  -  22:36

Those articles have become one of the most reliable content strategies in order to adquire visits on digital spaces

One of the most evolved techniques in SEO in recent years are sponsored post , a tool, when properly used, that could allow increasing visits and quality traffic to a specific digital space

Now, what are we talking about? A sponsored post - which continues to be a content strategy by companies - is an article about a product or a service written in a positive light but without being intrusive, which in return would avoid the distrust of the reader and would also avoid possible ban from Google.

Those texts - that contain a briefing of the campaign, audiovisual files or very specific details - are characterized by the use of links in keywords that end up redirecting the user to the site of the product.

The end result, must look like more like an article rather than a post . The content must exhibit a precise Web style because it needs to be a strategic element. It must be natural and yet practical. It also needs to be discreet about the fact that it's a promotional piece.

Sponsored post, multiple and lasting benefits
The advantage of those posts are constantly growing. The most relevant consequence, the one which made them so useful, is the fact that we can increment the SEO ranking. That, of course, will depend on the use we make about it, which is intertwined with the selection of keywords (which will adapt to the subject) and the proper use we make about them, we can't just use a barrage of messages.

They bring a big opportunity to the brands to get close to their audience without the need of a third party, that in return makes the campaign without an expiry date.

Girona Noticias Service
The GN group has been betting in the strategy of that kind of content for a long time. A service that is offered to Companies, entities or varies institutions from the various media that form the GN Group: like Gironanotí, Barcelonanotí, Lleidanotí, or the site .

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